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Osteoporosis, one of the most common bone diseases, is known for the severe fractures it can cause from trips, falls and everyday injuries. Over 10 million people live with osteoporosis, so what can you do about it?

Get screened. A bone-density test every few years can help diagnose the disease early on.

Exercise. Talk to me about exercises to help strengthen your bones.

Enhance your diet. Adding supplements such as Calcium and Vitamin D can help protect your bones. Avoid foods high in phosphorus that can leach calcium from your bones.

Take care. Lift with your legs, avoid hunching over and watch where you step.

Get adjusted. Chiropractic care keeps proper motion in your joints so that you’re able to walk, balance, exercise and function properly.

As your chiropractor, protecting your bone health and spine are a top priority. Let’s work together to ensure you stay healthy after you get healthy!

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